What Is Dry Needling?
Dry Needling is used by many therapists as an effective method to treat muscle pain, muscle tension & muscle problems.
With dry needling, the needles are very thin and the needles are dry, meaning there is no medication on them. It is used to compliment the treatment.

How Does It Work?
With Dry Needling, the needles are used to target the trigger point of the problem muscle, this is known as the myofascial trigger point and is often described as a muscle ‘knot’ which contributes to muscle pain and dysfunction.
The needle is gently inserted into the skin directly at this point and often a local twitch response is experienced, this is a good sign and is what the therapist is looking for. It means the trigger point has been stimulated, jump starting the muscle and nerve supply and increasing the blood flow to the area which helps to relax the muscle.
When this local twitch response occurs, a brief painful response might be felt but it will not last for more than a second. After dry needling treatment, the area that was treated will feel much softer and relaxed and the person will feel looser.
What Can Dry Needling Treat?
It has been proven as an effective form of treatment for a variety of injuries and ailments, including but not exclusive to neck pain, back pain, muscle tension, muscle injuries, sinus trouble, headaches and nerve problems.

How Is It Different To Acupuncture?
At first glance, both techniques have a lot of similarities but when it comes down to it they are quite different.
With acupuncture the focus is on restoring the balance and flow of energy in the body by putting needles in several points throughout the body and leaving them in place to do their work.
Whereas with dry needling, the therapist will do the same or insert and remove the needle a couple of times focusing on one particular problem area to achieve effective pain relief. Dry Needling is also a modern technique than acupuncture.
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